Heal You First

Learning to Sit And Becoming Comfortable With Emotions

What if you learned how to feel emotions and experience them fully? What if you could acknowledge and embrace these emotions, instead of always trying to run from or avoid them? Wouldn’t your life be fuller and richer, with less stress and anxiety? More joyous and meaningful? It can happen, as long as you are open to the process and willing to work on it.

If you want to have a more joy filled life, you’ll need to learn how to sit comfortably with your emotions. Learning how to be comfortable with your emotions allows you to take in what’s happening around you and inside you in that moment rather than subconsciously pushing it away because it feels uncomfortable or overwhelming.

You might have been told at some point that strong emotions are bad or should be avoided, but this simply isn’t true. Emotions are valid and useful signals about your experiences and connections with others, as well as reminders of important feelings or relationships in your life.

Emotions can be overwhelming, but learning to sit with them, learn from them, and allow them to dissipate can have many positive impacts on your life, from better physical health to improved relationships. To get started with this practice, answer the following questions in regards to an experience that you can recall from today.

  • 9745 W Peoria Ave, Peoria, AZ 85345
  • (602) 567-7857
  • Thaddeus@HealYouFirst.com

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