Hatred robs the world of true love. Hatred strikes at a deep feeling of security and peace. If you hate someone, it takes the “I” out of love. If you hate someone, it makes the world seem dull and lifeless.
Sometimes people hate because they’re stuck in a rut, Hatred is real, though, and it grows in strength and has consequences, even if we are too weak to see it. Hatred will bring destruction to the world, it must be stopped.
It’s sad to say but a tiny, despised group of people can turn others against each other by using violence, with no remorse over the things they do.
In the book of Proverbs we are told…
Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. -Proverbs 10:12
That’s why we must pray and connect to the power and love of God within us.
This is the way, the only way that we can heal ourselves and the world.
The power and love of God can heal the wounds that hate has caused. We can’t destroy the hate in our hearts by ourselves but we can show the love in our actions.
Let’s face it, hatred is the root of most problems we see in the world today. People hate the world. Some hate one another, some hate the government, some hate the media, some hate God. Who really hates whom?
Many people are not racist, they just hate something or someone. This makes them weak and dependent. And, it does them no good. Why?
Hate breeds hatred and fear. These are the enemies of love, peace, and joy in our lives. If we allow hatred to take over our minds, actions, and spirit, the only choice we will ever have is to be the hateful.
Who will love you if you hate who you are? Who will stand with you if you hate what you do? The answer is no one, not me, not you, not God.
If we let hatred rule our thoughts, feelings, and actions, we may as well be a monster in disguise. We will not get anywhere unless we stop hatred from taking hold of us.
Hate is not, nor ever will be, the right thing to do. We must decide now, before the end, that our choice is peace, not hate.
Hate will not win. The good news is that hate never wins. So, whether you hate someone or not, we can still find peace, find peace in God.